Is there anyone who thinks your weird ?
Well I have, is a bit upsetting for me since I was in Year 5. People can just say to you "Hey you look like Chinese". "No I think she come from Japan,Korea or China !" Well people cant judge you when they not know you yet, when I came to overseas I was thinking what if people think that I'm weird and the way that I look. I am so worry if people will think you like that, but when people think you weird well leave them if they keep on saying bad stuff to you well don't ever answer back they will get tired of it, I've tried this and it actually really works. Well not a couple weeks a go this boy in my class has wind my friend up, then I said to him, "Would you leave them alone and be quiet", and then he said "You shut up your Pitt bull". I was really upset and mad then my tears leaking out in front of my class. I don't care what they say, but if people do that to you just ignore them because they never knew about you. If you got a problem well tel your friend, teacher, parents or you can just leave them alone and stuck up for yourself, so they wont do it again. :)
Be ur self and remember always find friends not enemies.. Luv mama.. :)